
Creative Writing Curriculum For High School

A flexible, seven-unit program based on the real-world writing found in newspapers, from editorials and reviews to personal narratives and informational essays.

The Writer's Retreat," originally published in The New York Times Book Review in 2014." src="" srcset=" 600w, 960w, 960w" sizes="((min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 1004px)) 84vw, (min-width: 1005px) 80vw, 100vw" decoding="async" width="600" height="612">
Credit... Grant Snider

Our 2019-20 Writing Curriculum is one of the most popular new features we've ever run on this site, so, of course, we're back with a 2020-21 version — one we hope is useful whether you're teaching in person, online, indoors, outdoors, in a pod, as a homeschool, or in some hybrid of a few of these.

The curriculum detailed below is both a road map for teachers and an invitation to students. For teachers, it includes our writing prompts, mentor texts, contests and lesson plans, and organizes them all into seven distinct units. Each focuses on a different genre of writing that you can find not just in The Times but also in all kinds of real-world sources both in print and online.

But for students, our main goal is to show young people they have something valuable to say, and to give those voices a global audience. That's always been a pillar of our site, but this year it is even more critical. The events of 2020 will define this generation, and many are living through them isolated from their ordinary communities, rituals and supports. Though a writing curriculum can hardly make up for that, we hope that it can at least offer teenagers a creative outlet for making sense of their experiences, and an enthusiastic audience for the results. Through the opportunities for publication woven throughout each unit, we want to encourage students to go beyond simply being media consumers to become creators and contributors themselves.

So have a look, and see if you can find a way to include any of these opportunities in your curriculum this year, whether to help students document their lives, tell stories, express opinions, investigate ideas, or analyze culture. We can't wait to hear what your students have to say!

  • Writing prompts to help students try out related skills in a "low stakes" way.

    We publish two writing prompts every school day, and we also have thematic collections of more than 1,000 prompts published in the past. Your students might consider responding to these prompts on our site and using our public forums as a kind of "rehearsal space" for practicing voice and technique.

  • Daily opportunities to practice writing for an authentic audience.

    If a student submits a comment on our site, it will be read by Times editors, who approve each one before it gets published. Submitting a comment also gives students an audience of fellow teenagers from around the world who might read and respond to their work. Each week, we call out our favorite comments and honor dozens of students by name in our Thursday "Current Events Conversation" feature.

  • Guided practice with mentor texts.

    Each unit we publish features guided practice lessons, written directly to students, that help them observe, understand and practice the kinds of "craft moves" that make different genres of writing sing. From how to "show not tell" in narratives to how to express critical opinions, quote or paraphrase experts or craft scripts for podcasts, we have used the work of both Times journalists and the teenage winners of our contests to show students techniques they can emulate.

  • "Annotated by the Author" commentaries from Times writers — and teenagers.

    As part of our Mentor Texts series, we've been asking Times journalists from desks across the newsroom to annotate their articles to let students in on their writing, research and editing processes, and we'll be adding more for each unit this year. Whether it's Science writer Nicholas St. Fleur on tiny tyrannosaurs, Opinion writer Aisha Harris on the cultural canon, or The Times's comics-industry reporter, George Gene Gustines, on comic books that celebrate pride, the idea is to demystify journalism for teenagers. This year, we'll be inviting student winners of our contests to annotate their work as well.

  • A contest that can act as a culminating project.

    Over the years we've heard from many teachers that our contests serve as final projects in their classes, and this curriculum came about in large part because we want to help teachers "plan backwards" to support those projects.

    All contest entries are considered by experts, whether Times journalists, outside educators from partner organizations, or professional practitioners in a related field. Winning means being published on our site, and, perhaps, in the print edition of The New York Times.

  • Webinars and our new professional learning community (P.L.C.).

    For each of the seven units in this curriculum, we host a webinar featuring Learning Network editors as well as teachers who use The Times in their classrooms. Our webinars introduce participants to our many resources and provide practical how-to's on how to use our prompts, mentor texts and contests in the classroom.

    New for this school year, we also invite teachers to join our P.L.C. on teaching writing with The Times, where educators can share resources, strategies and inspiration about teaching with these units.

Below are the seven units we will offer in the 2020-21 school year.


This special unit acknowledges both the tumultuous events of 2020 and their outsized impact on young people — and invites teenagers to respond creatively. How can they add their voices to our understanding of what this historic year will mean for their generation?

Culminating in our Coming of Age in 2020 contest, the unit helps teenagers document and respond to what it's been like to live through what one Times article describes as "a year of tragedy, of catastrophe, of upheaval, a year that has inflicted one blow after another, a year that has filled the morgues, emptied the schools, shuttered the workplaces, swelled the unemployment lines and polarized the electorate."

A series of writing prompts, mentor texts and a step-by-step guide will help them think deeply and analytically about who they are, how this year has impacted them, what they'd like to express as a result, and how they'd like to express it. How might they tell their unique stories in ways that feel meaningful and authentic, whether those stories are serious or funny, big or small, raw or polished?

Though the contest accepts work across genres — via words and images, video and audio — all students will also craft written artist's statements for each piece they submit. In addition, no matter what genre of work students send in, the unit will use writing as a tool throughout to help students brainstorm, compose and edit. And, of course, this work, whether students send it to us or not, is valuable far beyond the classroom: Historians, archivists and museums recommend that we all document our experiences this year, if only for ourselves.


Credit... From left to right: Holly Wales; Melinda Josie; Holly Wales.

While The Times is known for its award-winning journalism, the paper also has a robust tradition of publishing personal essays on topics like love, family, life on campus and navigating anxiety. And on our site, our daily writing prompts have long invited students to tell us their stories, too. Our 2019 collection of 550 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing is a good place to start, though we add more every week during the school year.

In this unit we draw on many of these resources, plus some of the 1,000-plus personal essays from the Magazine's long-running Lives column, to help students find their own "short, memorable stories" and tell them well. Our related mentor-text lessons can help them practice skills like writing with voice, using details to show rather than tell, structuring a narrative arc, dropping the reader into a scene and more. This year, we'll also be including mentor text guided lessons that use the work of the 2019 student winners.

As a final project, we invite students to send finished stories to our Second Annual Personal Narrative Writing Contest.


Book reports and literary essays have long been staples of language arts classrooms, but this unit encourages students to learn how to critique art in other genres as well. As we point out, a cultural review is, of course, a form of argumentative essay. Your class might be writing about Lizzo or "Looking for Alaska," but they still have to make claims and support them with evidence. And, just as they must in a literature essay, they have to read (or watch, or listen to) a work closely; analyze it and understand its context; and explain what is meaningful and interesting about it.

In our Mentor Texts series, we feature the work of Times movie, restaurant, book and music critics to help students understand the elements of a successful review. In each one of these guided lessons, we also spotlight the work of teenage contest winners from previous years.

As a culminating project, we invite students to send us their own reviews of a book, movie, restaurant, album, theatrical production, video game, dance performance, TV show, art exhibition or any other kind of work The Times critiques.


Informational writing is the style of writing that dominates The New York Times as well as any other traditional newspaper you might read, and in this unit we hope to show students that it can be every bit as engaging and compelling to read and to write as other genres. Via thousands of articles a month — from front-page reporting on politics to news about athletes in Sports, deep data dives in The Upshot, recipes in Cooking, advice columns in Style and long-form investigative pieces in the magazine — Times journalists find ways to experiment with the genre to intrigue and inform their audiences.

This unit invites students to take any STEM-related discovery, process or idea that interests them and write about it in a way that makes it understandable and engaging for a general audience — but all the skills we teach along the way can work for any kind of informational writing. Via our Mentor Texts series, we show them how to hook the reader from the start, use quotes and research, explain why a topic matters and more. This year we'll be using the work of the 2020 student winners for additional mentor text lessons.

At the end of the unit, we invite teenagers to submit their own writing to our Second Annual STEM writing contest to show us what they've learned.


The demand for evidence-based argumentative writing is now woven into school assignments across the curriculum and grade levels, and you couldn't ask for better real-world examples than what you can find in The Times Opinion section.

This unit will, like our others, be supported with writing prompts, mentor-text lesson plans, webinars and more. We'll also focus on the winning teenage writing we've received over the six years we've run our related contest.

At a time when media literacy is more important than ever, we also hope that our annual Student Editorial Contest can serve as a final project that encourages students to broaden their information diets with a range of reliable sources, and learn from a variety of perspectives on their chosen issue.

To help students working from home, we also have an Argumentative Unit for Students Doing Remote Learning.


Most of our writing units so far have all asked for essays of one kind or another, but this spring contest invites students to do what journalists at The Times do every day: make multimedia to tell a story, investigate an issue or communicate a concept.

Our annual podcast contest gives students the freedom to talk about anything they want in any form they like. In the past we've had winners who've done personal narratives, local travelogues, opinion pieces, interviews with community members, local investigative journalism and descriptions of scientific discoveries.

As with all our other units, we have supported this contest with great examples from The Times and around the web, as well as with mentor texts by teenagers that offer guided practice in understanding elements and techniques.



Credit... Julien Posture

At a time when teachers are looking for ways to offer students more "voice and choice," this unit, based on our annual summer contest, offers both.

Every year since 2010 we have invited teenagers around the world to add The New York Times to their summer reading lists and, so far, 70,000 have. Every week for 10 weeks, we ask participants to choose something in The Times that has sparked their interest, then tell us why. At the end of the week, judges from the Times newsroom pick favorite responses, and we publish them on our site.

And we've used our Mentor Text feature to spotlight the work of past winners, explain why newsroom judges admired their thinking, and provide four steps to helping any student write better reader-responses.

Creative Writing Curriculum For High School


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