
How To Dual Boot Android And Windows 10

Dual Boot Windows 10 and Android
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If you would similar to run Android apps on your PC without installing emulators, the best option is to dual boot Windows 10 and Android. It is time-consuming simply the overall experience is much better than using Android emulators. Dual booting Android and Windows 10 volition let you use both operating systems on the same PC. In this commodity, you will learn the method to dual boot Windows x and Android on the same PC.

Why Dual Booting Windows 10 and Android when we have emulators?

The main advantage is that you will get the full version of Android on your PC and you tin too use Windows x. While on other hand, emulator lets you run the Android apps and the performance is not up to par. Furthermore, not all apps could run in emulator due to some limitations.

How exercise we Dual Boot Windows x and Android?

It's non as elementary as installing Android emulators. For Dual booting, you volition have to install Android on a hard drive. Windows x should exist the principal Os and it would be pre-installed on whatever other hard bulldoze. On the kick menu, you will see the pick to cull the Os every fourth dimension you will turn on the PC.

How to dual boot Windows ten and Android: In brief

  1. Make sure Windows x is already installed and it should exist the primary OS (if any).
  2. Create a new hard drive partition on the PC.
  3. Download (Remix Bone or Android-x86).
  4. Create a new partition on your difficult bulldoze,
  5. And install the Os on the new difficult drive to dual kick.

How to dual boot Windows ten and Android: In Particular

You have two ways to dual boot Windows 10 and Android; Remix OS and Android-x86. Both are expert options, but Remix Os is meliorate than Android-x86 even though it has been discontinued by Jide.

Remix Bone is based on Android-x86 — a x86-port of the Android operating arrangement and it is available for free. Let'southward learn the method to dual kicking Windows 10 and Remix OS (Android).

Install Remix OS to dual boot Windows 10 and Android 6.0 (Marshmallow)

  • Make certain yous have a USB 3.0 wink drive with 8GB storage and FAT32 support. Also, the writing speed should be above 20MB/s.
  • Enable Secure Boot if you haven't already.
  • Download Remix OS from the official site.
  • Launch the Remix OS and start the installer.
  • The app will permit you lot install the Remix Os to the hard drive.
  • Reboot your PC and information technology volition install the Bone.
  • At present when y'all volition turn on the PC, you will see two options; Windows 10 and Remix OS in the kick card.

If you don't like Remix OS, you can utilise Android-x86 to install Android on your Windows 10 PC. It is basically a stock Android that lets y'all install themes and apps of your choice, yous are non locked to anything, dissimilar Remix OS.

Unfortunately, non all devices are supported by Android-x86, you can detect the supported devices listing here.

Install Android-x86 to dual boot Windows 10 and Android 7.1 (Nougat)

  • Download Android-x86 ISO.
  • Burn the ISO image to create a bootable USB deejay.
  • Boot from the USB.
  • Choose the 'Install Android to hard disk item and install the Bone.
  • You will now see the Android option in the boot carte du jour.


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