
How To Calibrate Hp Laptop Battery Windows 7

Then you lot're using your laptop and, all of the sudden, it dies. In that location was no battery warning from Windows—in fact, you recently checked and Windows said you had xxx% battery power left. What's going on?

Even if you care for your laptop'southward bombardment properly, its chapters will decrease over time. Its built-in ability meter estimates how much juice available and how much fourth dimension on battery you lot have left—but it can sometimes requite y'all incorrect estimates.

This bones technique volition piece of work in Windows x, 8, 7, Vista. Really, it will piece of work for whatsoever device with a bombardment, including older MacBooks. It may not be necessary on some newer devices, however.

Why Calibrating the Battery Is Necessary

RELATED: Debunking Bombardment Life Myths for Mobile Phones, Tablets, and Laptops

If you lot're taking proper intendance of your laptop's bombardment, you should be assuasive information technology to discharge somewhat before plugging it back in and topping it off. Y'all shouldn't exist assuasive your laptop's battery to dice completely each time you use information technology, or fifty-fifty get extremely low. Performing regular top-ups will extend your bombardment's life.

However, this sort of behavior can misfile the laptop's battery meter. No thing how well yous take care of the battery, its chapters volition still decrease as a result of unavoidable factors like typical usage, age, and heat. If the battery isn't allowed to run from 100% downwardly to 0% occasionally, the battery'southward power meter won't know how much juice is actually in the battery. That means your laptop may retrieve it'due south at thirty% chapters when it's really at 1%—and so it shuts downward unexpectedly.

Calibrating the battery won't give y'all longer battery life, but it will give you lot more accurate estimates of how much battery ability your device has left.

How Ofttimes Should Yous Calibrate the Bombardment?

Manufacturers that practise recommend calibration often calibrating the battery every 2 to 3 months. This helps keep your battery readings accurate.

In reality, you lot likely don't accept to exercise this that often if you're not also worried about your laptop's battery readings being completely precise. Notwithstanding, if you don't calibrate your bombardment regularly, you may somewhen find your laptop all of a sudden dying on yous when you lot're using it—without any prior warnings. When this happens, it's definitely time to calibrate the battery.

Some modern devices may not require battery calibration at all. For instance, Apple recommends bombardment calibration for older Macs with user-replaceable batteries, but says it'due south not required for modern portable Macs with built-in batteries. Check your device manufacturer's documentation to learn whether battery calibration is necessary on your device or not.

Basic Calibration Instructions

Recalibrating your bombardment is uncomplicated: just let the battery run from 100% capacity straight downwards to about dead, and then charging it back to full. The battery's ability meter will see how long the bombardment really lasts and get a much more accurate idea of how much capacity the bombardment has left.

Some laptop manufacturers include utilities that will calibrate the battery for you. These tools will ordinarily simply make sure your laptop has a full bombardment, disable power management settings, and allow the bombardment to run to empty and so the battery's internal circuitry can go an idea of how long the battery lasts. Check your laptop manufacturer'southward website for information on using any utilities they provide.

You lot should likewise expect at your laptop'southward transmission or assistance files. Each manufacturer may recommend a slightly dissimilar calibration procedure or tool to ensure your laptop's battery is properly calibrated. Some manufacturers may fifty-fifty say this isn't necessary on their hardware (similar Apple). However, there's no harm to performing a calibration, even if the manufacturer says it isn't necessary. Information technology just takes some of your time. The scale procedure essentially runs the battery through a total discharge and recharge cycle.

How to Manually Calibrate a Battery

While it's a adept idea to use any included utilities or only follow instructions specific to your laptop, you can as well perform battery calibration without whatever specialized tools. The bones procedure is elementary:

  • Charge your laptop's battery to full—that's 100%.
  • Let the battery rest for at least 2 hours, leaving the computer plugged in. This will ensure that the battery is cool and not notwithstanding hot from the charging process. Yous're free to use your computer ordinarily while it'due south plugged in, but be sure it doesn't get as well hot. You desire information technology to cool downwards.
  • Go into your reckoner's power direction settings and prepare it to automatically hibernate at 5% battery. To find these options, caput to Command Console > Hardware and Sound > Power Options > Alter programme settings > Change avant-garde ability settings. Await under the "Battery" category for the "Disquisitional bombardment action" and "Critical battery level" options. (If you can't set it to 5%, just ready it as depression as you tin—for instance, on i of our PCs, we couldn't set these options below 7% battery.)

  • Pull the power plug and leave your laptop running and discharging until it automatically hibernates. Yous tin can keep using your computer unremarkably while this happens.

Note: If you want to calibrate the battery while you aren't using the computer, be sure your figurer isn't gear up to automatically sleep, hibernate, or turn its display off while idle. If your computer automatically enters power-saving mode while you're abroad, it will save power and won't belch properly. To find these options, head to Command Console > Hardware and Sound > Power Options > Change plan settings.

  • Allow your computer to sit for five hours or so afterward it automatically hibernates or shuts down.
  • Plug your computer dorsum into the outlet and charge it all the way back up to 100%. You tin continue using your estimator normally while it charges.
  • Ensure any power management settings are set to their normal values. For instance, you probably desire your computer to automatically power off the display and then go to slumber when yous're not using it to save battery ability. You can modify these settings while the computer charges.

Your laptop should now exist reporting a more accurate amount of bombardment life, sparing you any surprise shutdowns and giving you a better idea of how much bombardment power you have at any given fourth dimension.

The key to calibration is allowing the battery to run from 100% to almost empty, then charging it all the style up to 100% once more, which may non happen in normal utilize. One time you've gone through this full accuse wheel, the bombardment will know how much juice it has and report more accurate readings.

Image Credit: Intel Free Press on Flickr


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