
How To Increase Your Internet Speed In Windows 7

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This wikiHow teaches you how to troubleshoot slow internet speeds and page loads in Windows 7. Ho-hum net speeds tin can exist acquired by all sorts of things, so there's no one magic set up for your PC. Y'all'll learn how to cheque for malware (without downloading extra software), how to rule out network bug, remove bandwidth restrictions, and speed up your actual spider web browsing awarding.

  1. 1

    Click the Offset bill of fare and type defender into the search bar. The Start menu is normally at the bottom-left corner of the screen. A list of matching search results volition appear.

    • If Windows 7 is performing slower than usual when you lot're browsing the web, it's possible you've got adware, spyware, or other types of malware running in the background.
  2. 2

    Click Windows Defender in the search results. This opens Windows Defender, a built-in antimalware suite that comes with Windows 7.

    • If you're using a dissimilar antimalware product such as Norton or McAfee, feel free to use that instead.


  3. 3

    Enable real-time protection (optional). If you want Windows to automatically protect you from viruses and malware while you lot're using the internet, yous should apply this feature. If you see "Real-time protection: On" in the "Status" box at the bottom of the screen, you're already protected. If not, follow these steps:[1]

    • Click Tools at the top of the window.
    • Click Options.
    • Click Existent-time protection in the left console.
    • Check the box next to "Use real-time protection (recommended). For the most protection, check the other 2 boxes to allow Windows to scan programs y'all install and files y'all download.
    • Click Save.
  4. 4

    Check for malware definition updates. Before you start a scan, make sure Defender has the almost up-to-date info on possible threats. To practise this, click the menu next to the Help icon (the question mark) at the height, then click Check for updates. If new definitions are found, they'll be downloaded and installed.

  5. five

    Click the Browse menu. It's at the top of the window. A listing of scanning options will appear.

  6. half dozen

    Select a scanning choice. If you're experiencing strange pop-up windows, random ads, mysterious toolbars, or other odd beliefs, select Full Scan to leave no stone unturned. Just know that the scan tin can accept a long fourth dimension (sometimes hours). Otherwise, you lot can do a Quick scan to observe most infections that could affect internet operation.

    • To choose certain folders to scan instead, pick Custom scan, make your selections, and so click Scan now to begin.
    • Yous can proceed to use Windows while y'all run a scan, but you'll probably experience slower performance.
  7. 7

    Remove detected malware. Once the scan is consummate, the results will announced. If a threat was detected, click information technology to select it, then click Remove. One time you've removed all threats, restart your estimator to start clean. If no threats were detected, great!


  1. i

    Reboot your router and/or modem. Slow internet speeds can be caused by bug that don't involve your Windows seven PC, such every bit a heavily-utilized network or a router that needs a reset. Rebooting your router and/or modem often clears upward speed issues when they occur. When unplugging your modem and/or router, leave the ability cables for at least ten seconds before plugging them back in.

  2. 2

    Become closer to the wireless admission signal if using Wi-Fi. A weak signal can cause all sorts of internet issues, including slow browsing times and dropped connections. Make sure your router isn't close to anything that can interfere with its signal, which includes some baby monitors, microwaves, sure cordless phones, and other wireless routers. If in that location'southward anything blocking line-of-site to the router, remove it if possible.[two]

    • If your Wi-Fi betoken doesn't go very far, expect into getting a wireless booster or repeater.
    • If yous're in a pinch and need to heave the signal quick, try an aluminum soda or beer can. Cutting the tin can in half vertically, and so stand up information technology up behind the antennae so that the open up part faces your calculator and any other devices on the network. The aluminum tin reflect the indicate and brand it stronger.
  3. 3

    Run a network speed test. If streaming, downloading, and uploading are taking longer than usual, in that location may be an effect with your connection to your Internet access provider (Internet access provider). To check your speed, navigate to https://www.speedtest.cyberspace in any web browser, then click Become to start the exam.

    • Check the results of the test confronting what sort of service you're paying for. If the numbers are way off, give your provider a call to find out what's going.
    • If you lot share a tedious internet connection with others, try to avoid using the spider web while others are playing internet games or streaming video. Consider upgrading to a dissimilar tier of service or bank check out other internet providers in your area.
  4. four

    Disconnect other devices from the network. If other computers or network appliances (including streaming devices and TVs) are continued to the same network as your Windows vii PC, you lot may experience slower speeds when those devices are in use. For example, if a family unit member is downloading music in their sleeping room while y'all're trying to stream Netflix, you lot'll probably notice a decrease in speed.

  5. v

    Effort an Ethernet connection if you lot're using Wi-Fi. For the best take chances at the fastest connection speeds in Windows 7, opt for a wired connection instead of wireless when possible. Ethernet connections have lower latency and no adventure of wireless interference.


  1. ane

    Press Win+R to open the Run dialog box. This method removes a bandwidth limit that's reserved for apps running on your PC, which often results in speedier internet connections in Windows 7.[3]

  2. 2

    Type gpedit.msc and printing Enter . A binder-looking window will announced.

  3. three

    Double-click the Administrative Templates folder. It's in the left panel under Estimator Configuration.

  4. 4

    Double-click the Network binder. It'southward within the Authoritative Templates folder you lot but expanded.

  5. v

    Click QoS Bundle Scheduler in the Network folder.

  6. half-dozen

    Double-click Limit reservable bandwidth . This opens a new dialog window.

  7. 7

    Change the "Bandwidth limit" to zero. You can do this by erasing the 20 that's currently in the field and typing a 0.

  8. 8

    Click Employ and then OK . Both options are at the lesser-right corner of the screen.

  9. nine

    Reboot your PC. In one case your PC is support, it volition no longer limit the amount of internet bandwidth used past Windows applications.


  1. one

    Articulate your enshroud. If y'all observe slowness while browsing the web, information technology may be due to an abundance of temporary files on your figurer. Here'southward how to clear your browser enshroud:

    • Internet Explorer: Get to Start menu > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Net Options. Click Delete under "Browsing history," check the box adjacent to "Temporary Net Files," and click Delete.
    • Chrome: Click the iii-dot menu and go to More than tools > Clear browsing data. Select All time from the range card, check the box adjacent to "Cached images and files," and so click Articulate data.
  2. two

    Disable extensions and plugins. If your browser is weighed downward with actress features like third-political party toolbars and plugins, disabling them can amend your browsing experience. The steps to practise this vary by browser:

    • Internet Explorer: Click the gear at the top-right corner and select Manage add-ons.[4] Select All Add-ons under "Show" to encounter what's installed. To disable an add-on, select it, then click Disable.
    • Chrome: If the extension has an icon at the top-right corner of Chrome, right-click the icon and select Remove from Chrome. Otherwise, click the three-dot menu and go to More tools > Extensions. Click Remove next to an extension, then click Remove to confirm.
  3. iii

    Delete unneeded toolbars. If you've ever downloaded and installed software on the internet, you may have accidentally installed a spider web browser "toolbar" that non only takes upwards space on your browser, but tin likewise tedious down your browsing. Some of these toolbars must be installed through the Control Panel rather than through your browser extensions. If disabling extensions didn't remove your toolbar, follow these steps:

    • Click the Kickoff carte du jour and select Command Console.
    • Click Uninstall a Program or Programs and Features.
    • Right-click the proper name of the toolbar in the application list and select Uninstall.
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the uninstall. Remove all additional toolbars the same mode.
    • If the toolbar was installed by virus or malware, you may need to run an antimalware scan to get rid of it instead.
  4. 4

    Reset your browser settings. Most web browsers include the option to perform a reset, which erases all of your preferences and customizations to give you a fresh experience. If nothing else has worked, refreshing the browser may help with speeds.

    • Internet Explorer: Click the gear and select Internet Options. Click the Advanced tab, click the Reset button. Cheque the box next to "Delete personal settings", click Reset, and then follow the on-screen instructions.
    • Chrome: Click the three-dot menu, select Settings, then click Advanced at the bottom. Click Reset Settings and so click Reset Settings to confirm.
  5. five

    Switch to Chrome. If you're not already using Google Chrome, give information technology a try—it'due south known for being the fastest browsing selection for PCs withal running Windows 7.[v] You can download it from https://world wide


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  • If you're using an older computer and are experiencing slowness even when you're non browsing the web, information technology may be time for an upgrade. Fortunately, PCs running Windows 10 are much cheaper than they used to exist, and Windows 10 comes with tons of performance enhancements that'll make you wish you switched much sooner.

  • Windows seven comes with many visual enhancements that can slow down the PC's general performance. In the Control Console, type performance information into the Search bar, click Performance Information and Tools in the results, and so click Suit visual effects. On the Visual Effects tab, select Adjust for all-time operation and click OK.


About This Article

Commodity Summary Ten

ane. Bank check for malware.
2. Reboot your router.
3. Try a wired connection if using Wi-Fi.
four. Clear your browser cache.
v. Disable extensions, plugins, and toolbars.
half-dozen. Plow off bandwidth limitations.
7. Disconnect other computers from the network.
8. Switch to Chrome.

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