
How To Make Computer Run Faster Windows 8

The release of Windows eight was met with mixed reception; while some liked the new interface, there were others who just preferred its predecessor. Microsoft after released Windows viii.1, which features several improvements, some of which were covered in a post we published recently. And to help you become fifty-fifty more out of this latest offering by Microsoft, we've got for you today 5 uncomplicated hacks you tin can do to brand Windows eight.i faster.

These hacks or tweaks volition enable you lot to do things like increasing the speed of certain menus popping upward, getting near-instant taskbar icon previews, and switching active windows with your mouse cursor. All in all, your Windows 8.1 experience would definitely be smoother. Nearly of these hacks require the use of Regedit, only fret non, the steps are all very like shooting fish in a barrel to empathise. Merely note that all Regedit hacks crave you to log out before taking effect.

Enable Slide To Shutdown UI For Windows 8.1 [Quicktip]

Enable Slide To Shutdown UI For Windows 8.1 [Quicktip]

Windows 8 users may find it difficult to wait for the shut down button. For reasons unknown, Windows... Read more

1. Increment Aero Peek Speed

Aero Peek is a useful feature that lets yous see through all your open windows to your desktop every bit long as your cursor is hovered over the bottom right corner of your screen. By default, in that location volition be a slight delay of most half a second before the desktop is shown. This tweak will remove that delay to instantly testify the desktop when your cursor is there.

  1. Go to the Starting time bill of fare and type in regedit to search for it, then run it.
  2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer and click on Advanced.
  3. On the right panel, right-click and select New > DWORD (32-scrap) Value and name it DesktopLivePreviewHoverTime.
  4. Right-click the newly created registry and select Modify. Choose Decimal and enter a Value Data of 1, which means Aero Peek will activate in 1 millisecond.
Aero Peek

2. Increase Taskbar Preview Speed

When you hover your cursor over a taskbar icon, a preview will be shown, thereby enabling y'all to cull the right window to navigate to. We're at present going to tweak it so that the preview will come up faster, eliminating the default 1-second delay.

  1. Run Regedit.exe and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Control Panel and click on Mouse.
  2. On the right console, look for MouseHoverTime and right-click to Modify it.
  3. Select Decimal and enter a Value Data of 1, which means when you hover your cursor over a taskbar icon, information technology'll take merely 1 millisecond for it to show the preview.
Taskbar Preview

3. Increase Context Carte du jour Speed

By default, the context card will expand when your cursor hovers over information technology, subsequently a short delay. Applying this tweak will enable Windows to prove an expandable context bill of fare faster or almost instantly whenever your cursor hovers over it.

  1. Run Regedit.exe and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Control Console and click on Desktop.
  2. On the right panel, look for MenuShowDelay and right-click to Modify it.
  3. Select Decimal and enter a Value Data of one, which ways when your cursor hovers over an expandable context menu, information technology'll take 1 millisecond for it aggrandize.
Context Menu

4. Switch Agile Windows With Mouse Cursor

In the Ease of Admission Center, there'due south a feature that allows you to activate a window past hovering over it with the cursor. This allows users to view all their open up windows swiftly without the need for clicking the mouse. This feature is especially handy for trackpad users equally they won't accept to tap on their trackpad to activate a window in the background. A uncomplicated Regedit hack can besides increase or shorten the delay when activating windows. To do this,

  1. Run Regedit.exe and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Control Panel and click on Desktop.
  2. On the right panel, right-click on ActiveWndTrkTimeout and select Change.
  3. Select Decimal and modify the Value Data to something you're comfy with. The number you enter is calculated in milliseconds.
Hover Activate Windows

5. Disable Time-Wasting Animations

Both Windows 8 and 8.1 come with many animations that brand transitions and everything else look beautiful. Nonetheless, these animations not only consume into your computer'south performance, only also take actress milliseconds to consummate. Hither'southward how to disable them completely.

  1. Open up File Explorer and correct-click anywhere in the window and select Properties.
  2. On the left panel, click on Avant-garde system setting and under the Operation subtitle, click on Settings.
  3. Yous'll and then run across the Operation Options with all the animations you tin disable. For the all-time performance, uncheck all of them.

Your organization will look less posh, just it'll surely work lightning fast.

Performance Options


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